Book about Ephesus by National Geographic | 2018

The book with my virtual reconstructions has arrived, RBA sent me a copy, thanks Laura! 🙂
It’s 95 pages of beautiful photos of the ruins and artifacts, virtual reconstructions, drawings, interesting information.
You can order it here:
They delivering only in Spain.

Epheus book cover

The cover of the book.


Epheus book theatre virtual reconstruction

Virtual reconstruction of the theatre.


Epheus book

The agora.


Epheus book

The photos are beautiful.


Epheus book my name

They almost nailed my name. 🙂


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  1. Nadir Alkan

    Your work is just amazing! I live in London and I really want to buy this book. Is there any other way for me to buy it?

  2. This book is really beautiful . Could you put more photos of the 3d illustrations of the recreations of the most important buildings in Ephesus?

  3. Dear Adam,
    I visited Ephesus antique city many times as a kid with my dad`s narrative and then with my own son. I and then my son have posed at the Hercule`s Gates to try to reach both ends – to prove our strength each time:)
    Now it is really very interesting to see the reconstructed and in colour.
    Thanks for introducing us to the original version.

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