Mysterious grave with seven skulls | 2011
Grave with 7 skulls

Mysterious grave with seven skulls | 2011

In 2006 during an excavation in the roman cemetery of Aquincum leading archaeologist Gábor Lassányi found a special grave: one regular burial of an old man plus five human, and a horse skull.

The seven skull grave at the Graphisoft Park dig in 2006
The seven skull grave at the Graphisoft Park dig in 2006

Were the old man buried with severed heads? Were the skulls dumped in a rubbish pit by a grave robber? Were they placed there during a ceremony? After studying the finds, he came up with the following theory: They were part of a magical ceremony, possibly about a curse.

Digging the grave
Digging the grave
The ceremony
The ceremony
Layout of the skulls after the ceremony
Layout of the skulls after the ceremony
Section of the grave
Section of the grave

Client: Aquincum Museum


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